Attended an acrylic painting workshop this week. Lots of mark making exercises, painting on card and painting on canvas.
Spent a lot of time this week trying to sequence my rag book, positioning images on the pages, matching images and words from the questionnaire and making it look like a single collection by including the colourway within the images or around the images.
Tutorial with Sarah Angold. My heart was sinking as I heard her telling Vanessa to experiment and not concentrate on the end result. My work is a million miles away from Sarah's perspex jewellery. All the old doubts crowded in - I'm an old girl, who am I kidding, what makes me think I have an iota of creativity or taste. I'm a laughing stock.
But I know that I love creating, that I love looking at others people's work, that I don't like everything I view and that I have loved creating the images for this project.
Sarah liked them! Not all of them. She called it 'controversial craft' and she injected a less 'serious' note. I have been trying to include all 40 responses, the serious research etc. She said I should select, edit, exclude etc. She liked the idea of seeing the responses while not knowing the question. She made it all a bit more 'edgy'. Relief! And back home I started another image with renewed enthusiasm.
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