Taking Sarah's advice on board I printed some samples using print paste and discharge. The effect on silk was subtle and effective (left) but the linen didn't discharge well. I like the effects of mixing discharge and print paste and will look at incorporating them into the blade of the tie.
I especially liked the charcoal print on natural coloured linen (below left and right).
I spoke to Paul about including a craftivism event into the final show but he thought I should hold craftivism event(s) before the show and use the results/analysis of the events in the final show - whether than be the pieces of stiched textile, photographs, film or recordings.
I am thinking about a recording of the voices of people explaining their piece of work alongside a photographic/actual display of their pieces. Also I am keen to pass on a collage of the photographs to someone - the minister for women?
I need to establish what the questions/consideration/statement is that I present to craftivists - something like 'What do you want for the global status of women'.
Alot to think about and a lot to do.
- I didn't use interfacing on my sample tie because I thought it would make it too bulky but I am not happy with the outcome - I can 'see/feel' the edges of the fabic and I think interfacing would improve the quality. Internet research has revealed that 100% wool is best for silk. My Vogue pattern didn't specify which material to use for interfacing but includes the grain line of the fabric so presumably doesn't mean typical non-woven interfacing. I think I need to buy wool for the silk ties.
- plan crativism events. consider craftivism by post.
- screen print more fabric
- finally set my colour pallette
- finalise repeat prints and take to Neil
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