Interestingly, the discussion resumed - by email - in the evening with attendees following up comments and agreeng or disagreeing with comments that had been made at the event.
Am I pleased with how it went? I had some good comments but I didn't feel that the conversation flowed as much as it did last week- but maybe that is because I separated from the main group to talk to three late comers to explain the concept of craftivism, how it fits into my project and the stitching element of the session.
I think the explanations got in the way of the discussion, I think the sewing can be a concern - three people took their sewing away with them to finish it (one in particular was worried because she 'couldn't sew'). I think more helpers would make it easier.
One success is the little mobile telephone bags I made using the textiles I have designed or printed for this project. This offers both useful market research and also makes use of leftover pieces of fabric - thereby avoiding waste. I have consistently received
positive comments about them.
Three of the women who attended were committed feminists and may have found the main group too lightweight - they left earlier than the others, although they did ask whether we would be meeting regularly because they would join us again so they must have thought it was okay.
Nontheless, I had good comments from everybody, especially the group who stayed later. Their discussion was varied, sometimes strayed away from the subject - but always returned. Again it was noticeable that once people started stitching the mood calmed. I didn't want to give out evaluation sheets at the end of the session, but when questioned people said they had enjoyed the conversation, they had learned things and they had enjoyed themselves. Again, several people said they would like something similar on a regular basis.
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